Гаранция | 24 месеца |
Материал | ActiFit |
Регулируеми подлакътници | Не |
Максимално тегло | до 122 кг |
Цвят | Черен |
Playseat® Evolution е разработен в сътрудничество с професионални състезателни шофьори. Това е автентичен кокпит
на състезателен симулатор с GTR позиция за сядане. Когато се състезавате с този Playseat® Evolution, се чувствате
като в истинска състезателна кола. Тази състезателна седалка има отлично качество на изработка, стабилност, възможност
за регулиране и комфорт. Висококачествените материали правят този стол изключително издръжлив и удобен за сядане в
продължение на часове състезателно забавление.
Седалката на водача се характеризира с бърза настройка, така че да пасва на всеки, от деца до възрастни.
Педалът и бордът на волана също са напълно регулируеми, което позволява пълно персонализиране за всеки тип играч.
Лесен за съхранение
Playseat Evolution има уникална, патентована система за бързо сгъване. Веднъж сгъната, състезателната седалка може
да се постави под обикновена маса
Материал: Actifit
Размери (LxWxH): 130x50x98 cm
Тегло: 20.55 kg
Препоръчителна височина: 120 - 220 cm
Препоръчително тегло: 20 - 122 kg
The Playseat® Evolution PRO offers you a refined version of the legendary Playseat® Evolution bringing you even closer to that real racing feeling. We’ve enhanced design to resemble the real-deal racing cockpit. Yes, that means the seat comes equipped with head stabilisers, so it’s so close you can smell the fumes of a real racing car. Well, almost.
Key features |
It's developed in cooperation with professional racing drivers It's an authentic racing simulator cockpit with GTR sitting position Superior build quality, stability, and comfort It’s equipped with head stabilisers like in the real deal It's fully adjustable to accommodate all sizes of drivers (from children to adults) Adjustable steering plate and pedal plate It’s easy to store thanks to its patented foldable design It’s very quick-and-easy to assemble It's compatible with all steering wheels and pedals (Logitech, Thrustmaster, Fanatec, etc.) It works with all consoles (PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, etc.), PC and Mac |
Product information |
Just like a real racing car Come closer. You’ve got to inspect the Playseat® Evolution PRO upclose to appreciate how close the designers have come to perfection here. To feel like you’re on a race track when you’re in your gaming room? That’s hard. You know this chair. We’ve just improved on our already legendary Playseat® Evolution. You can taste the champagne on the podium just a bit more as this is as close to the real-race feeling as it gets. The racing cockpit has head stabilisers in the exact place they need to be in. It’s so easy to adjust the pedal plate and steering wheel plate, you could do it blindfolded (not recommended though). The only problem we foresee is a personal one. This chair is tough to share. You sit in it. You own it. We’ll leave that for you to deal with. Superior build quality, stability, adjustability and comfort We’ve only used the highest quality materials to make the Evolution PRO extremely durable and comfortable to sit in for hours and hours. It ticks all the boxes. Specifically, these four: superior build quality, stability, adjustability and comfort. But how does it make you feel? That’s what matters. It translates any force feedback perfectly, allowing you to own the track as you get better and better so much that it may go to your head. Stay humble, we say. It's fully adjustable Race your way. It’s all very simple to move around so it fits every racer friend of yours regardless of their size. You can adjust and customise the pedal plate and steering wheel plate just as quickly and easily as well. Easy to store Thanks to its unique, patented foldable system, our Playseat® Evolution PRO is quick-and-easy to store. Got a desk in your racing room? It will fit under it. As long as you promise not to leave it under there for too long, okay? |
Specifications |
Edition: Black ActiFit™ Includes steering wheel and pedals: No Foldable: Yes Suitable for direct drive steering wheels: No Color: Black Weight: 20,55 kg Dimensions: 130x50x98 cm Suitable for: Racing Racing type: Rally, GT, All Plug&Play: Yes Recommended drivers length: Min 120 cm. Max 220 cm. Recommended drivers weight: Min 20 kg. Max 122 kg. Material: ActiFit™ |
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